28 April 2015

Arches and net

Another kind of space defined by gates and a connecting transparent skin: arches made by metal tubes are covered by a net to protect the spectators of the baseball matches.

Rural Studio_Newbern Little League_Newbern, AL, USA_2003
More info here
photo by Timothy Hursley (from www.ruralstudio.org)

photo by Timothy Hursley (from www.ruralstudio.org)

27 April 2015

A chrysalis-like structure

The next Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, designed by SelgasCano, is going to open on June 25th.
The first render shows an organic double volume: a double-layered shell, made of opaque and translucent fluorine-based plastic (ETFE) in a variety of colours, with strips of material woven through or wrapped around parts of the structure like webbing (see here).
If we break up the structure, we find a series of gates of different section all connected by the covering in panels or stripes. Could a system like this be worth to study and develop for our building box ?

José Selgas + Lucía Cano_Serpentine Gallery Pavilion_Kensignton Gardens, London, UK_2015 (under construction)

The Serpentine Gallery website is here

26 April 2015

From a small element to a complex structure

A modular pavilion made by small flat bamboo elements of industrial production.
A simple structure worth to study for its potential and possible developments.

The pavilion, designed by the chinese firm Urbanus with tutors (Eugeni Bach, Josep Ferrando) and students of the Escuela Técnica y Superior de Arquitectura La Salle, Tutors, is one of the seven transforming the public spaces on the topics of wall, identity, memory, diversity, liberty, democracy and Europe.

The event was commissioned by Barcelona Cultura and organised by Benedetta Tagliabue and Alex Ollé to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the end the siege of Barcelona during the War of the Spanish Succession (11 September 1714).

Urbanus + ETSALS_Identity Pavilion_Plaça Nova, Barcelona, Spain_2014

More info
on the pavilion here
on all the seven pavilions here

a video here

photo by Runze Hu (from www.ArchDaily.com)

Structure system (from www.ArchDaily.com)

Teamwork 3_Classification

Definition of categories and subcategories to classify the references. The so composed catalogue is going to be the basis tool for the following discussions and brainstorming.

20 April 2015

Just one kind of wooden stick

Tree House
Built for an exhibition at the Wäinö Aaltonen Museum in Turku, Finland by students of the Aalto University in 2007.
More info on the project here

17 April 2015

A beautiful installation and one of many more that are very inspiring for our atelier at the design week in Milan !
recommended to check out and share what caught attention and start discussions !

14 April 2015

Hello Wood’s 2014 Camp !

This Camp had an extraordinary experience, this video illustrates the fact that the whole process is experimental, and the structure is to be felt.. 

What do you think about it?

13 April 2015

Teamwork 2_Topics

to better compare and discuss the selected case studies, their presentation is going to be enriched with a series of sketches about
  1. constructive element(s) and juction(s)
  2. constructive unit(s)
  3. whole architecture
  4. forms possible to build with the constructive system
the maps group will work in parallel with the graphics/layout one to prepare the working maps for the workshop.
the research is going to be carried on at the Cuneo Historical Archive as well as at the Politecnico di Torino.
historical info can be found on the book: Tra Gesso e Stura : realtà, natura e storia di un ambiente fluviale, L'artistica, Savigliano, 1983

the case studies research goes on
_in books on timber constructions, like the Wood Atlas (Atlante del Legno)
_in books or monographic numbers of magazines dedicated to small architectures/ pavilions/ expos/ temporary architectures/ festivals... (Detail/Domus/Area/Lotus/Abitare/Architectural Review/L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui...)
_in books or magazines on landscape architecture (Paisea/Pages Paysages/Topos/Garten und Lanschaft...)
_in books or magazines on open spaces/public spaces...

12 April 2015

Teamwork 1_Start

friday_27 march

prosecuzione del lavoro di gruppo
definizione del lavoro dei gruppi in dettaglio

teamwork progression
groups work definition in detail

friday_13 march

inizio del lavoro di gruppo
incontro con chiara devoti sull'analisi cartografica dell'area.
formazione di tre gruppi di lavoro:
_grafica_compito iniziale predisporre la scheda di riferimento per la raccolta dei casi di studio
_geografia_ricerca sulla cartografia storica e attuale per evidenziare i punti salienti del paesaggio e predisporre la cartografia di base per il workshop
_architettura_catalogazione di casi di studio che utilizzino sistemi costruttivi modulari (bidimensionali o tridimensionali) e di architetture per osservazione, informazione e lungo percorsi 

teamwork start
meeting with chiara devoti on the map analysis of the area
three working groups have been formed:
_graphics_first task to prepare the reference file to collect case studies
_geography_research on the historical and present cartography to outline the main landscape features and prepare the basic cartography for the workshop
_architecture_catalogue of case studies where are used modular building systems (two or three-dimensional) and of architectures for observation, information or along ways

friday_6 march

discussione sull'area di progetto e sui temi di lavoro della prima fase

discussion on the design site and on the working topics of phase 1

saturday_31 january

il gruppo di studenti per sviluppare la prima fase del workshop
un gruppo di studenti di architettura e architettura del paesaggio del Politecnico di Torino è stato selezionato per sviluppare la prima fase di am#4_stura: definizione della scatola di costruzioni con lo studio di elementi costruttivi modulari e preparazione dei materiali per il workshop.
Il gruppo è composto da studenti italiani, cinesi, siriani e francesi delle lauree triennale, magistrale, interfacoltà e del dottorato di ricerca: Giulia Cerrato, Mary Fawry, Maria Elena Ferraresi, Beatrice Gamba, Hong Li, Danilo Marcuzzo, Yangyang Peng, Yichen Song, Niccolò Suraci, Lu Yu, Sammy Zarka.
un finanziamento attraverso i fondi destinati alla progettualità studentesca e alle attività culturali degli studenti del Politecnico di Torino è stato assegnato al gruppo.

the students team to develop the workshop phase 1
a group of architecture and landscape architecture students of the Politecnico di Torino has been selected to develop the first phase of am4#_stura: to define the "building box" studying a modular building elements and to prepare the workshop materials.
The group is composed by Italian, Chinese, Syrian and French students of the BA, Master, Interfaculty and PhD courses: Giulia Cerrato, Mary Fawry, Maria Elena Ferraresi, Beatrice Gamba, Hong Li, Danilo Marcuzzo, Yangyang Peng, Yichen Song, Niccolò Suraci, Lu Yu, Sammy Zarka.
a funding by the Politecnico di Torino funding programme to students design and cultural activities was awarded to the team.

9 April 2015

am#4_stura 2015

parco fluviale gesso e stura
building in the nature 2
canals, chestnuts and industrial archaeology
23-29 august 2015

info on www.ateliermobile.org